q kickin' back...he was pretty low energy and sniffly this morning.

the orange and silvery-white fish with spikes is blossom and the one to her left is cat fish.
this afternoon, once sissy was home from school, snack was devoured, and some cleanup was accomplished, we headed out for some small adventures. first, we stopped to visit our favorite shop cats and their humans so that we could pet the kitties and leave them some treats. in the mean time, the ladies who work in the shop completely spoiled the kids rotten with umpteen cookies. the kids were workin' that cookie angle pretty hard, too...quinn whipped out his very best "pleases" and "thank yous."
our next stop was to procure one more fishy. livie was at school the other day when q picked a fish, so today it was her turn to pick a fish. she picked a very pretty silver and orange fish that she named "blossom." q has now dubbed his new fish "cat fish." i guess we have moved away from the "friends" theme :-) the tank is now officially full to capacity. well...i might squeeze one more sucker fish in there to help keep up after all the new fishies, but i think we are at capacity with the pretty fish.
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