today was a super busy and fun day. q had gymnastics this morning and did great for 3/4 of the class. at the end of class, he refused to participate in the circuit they had going and threw enough of a fit that he had to go into a timeout...that was the beginning of a cry fest that lasted until we were about a quarter of the way home. this turned out to be very embarrassing b/c while we were still in class, the fit seemed to draw more attention than i would have expected.
q's gymnastics class has gotten much larger and is now attended by more parents than helpers, but i haven't found it to be super social yet. i am probably over thinking and over analyzing this, but i seem to get a lot of looks and comments about q...questions about why he's still in a diaper and head shakes at his antics/tantrums. i feel like i need to put him and me in matching t-shirts that say something to the effect of I AM TWO/HE'S TWO to explain that he's perfectly within his "rights" to act like a two-year-old. he is easily a head taller than 3/4 of his gymnastics class and is head and shoulders taller than the rest of the class, and as such, i guess it probably looks like he does not belong in this particular class. it also is very likely that he is the oldest kid in the class (it's a class for kids 24 to 36 months), but i still think he's WELL within the range to be in the class despite his size.
livie also had a great time in her class with far less drama. while she was in gymnastics, q was busy playing with some other kids that were either waiting for older siblings in livie's class or waiting to start a soccer class. q was befriended by a little boy who is almost five, and listening to the conversation between the two was hilarious. the older boy was patient, but also a little frustrated that he couldn't get q to play with him as he directed. at one point, i heard him say to quinn "quinn, are you really listening?" as q totally squealed over the top of what the boy was saying to him and ran off to do his own thing. q is definitely becoming much more interested in interacting with other children, but he most definitely is not at the level of an almost-five-year-old.
after livie's gymnastics class, we ran to the grocery store and then to a small park. the park is really too small for the kids to really enjoy themselves...this is the old park with old equipment, but it's right next to the grocery store and is a good place to let them let off some steam after enduring the grocery store. today, the park doubled as a pet store. we met three super friendly dogs...a golden, a yellow lab, and a corgi. the corgi was the sweetest. she bounded over to the kids as fast as her little legs would allow, stood still for about two seconds worth of ear scratches, and then promptly flopped over for belly scratches. she was ADORABLE. q kept telling us she was a baby sookie. good lord do we miss living with dogs...we love our waffle kitty very, very much, and we really appreciate his cog qualities, but we still miss our dogs.

the kids had a blast going up the slide and pretending they needed to be rescued or were falling.

blurry pic of a silly sissy. she's all about the goofy faces for pics now...well, it's either goofy faces or a painfully cheesey fake smile.
Darn! I can not find such fun toy's in Pflugerville! It is time to organize an old peoples Park!