Sunday, September 4, 2011

HKG186 & 187 : Weekend Roundup

we had a great weekend. saturday started out pretty low key...we did a little shopping and had a delicious burger lunch (first good burger we've had here). in the afternoon, livie and i went to a birthday party while q was napping. when he woke up, he had some fun at the pool with josh. saturday night, josh took the kids out for ice cream after they ate their dinners, and i headed out to have a DELICIOUS thai dinner with my friend, c, whom i hadn't seen in several weeks. we had a great time catching up over that delicious food.

today was mostly low key. josh took the kids down to the pool in the morning, and then we all headed out for some afternoon adventures before dinner. we stumbled upon another amazing playground...this one is right next to a soccer pitch/jogging trail, and it's boat-themed. it's pretty close to the train park, which is where we were headed when we noticed this park. i am starting to wonder if there might also be a plane or car park somewhere nearby :-)

when we were leaving the boat park, we were admiring some feral cats and noticed one was sitting strangely on the sidewalk...he was kinda squatting and holding his tail straight wasn't until we got up on him that we noticed he was peeing into a storm drain. seriously. this feral cat is trained/trained himself to pee into a storm drain. ?!?!?!?

tomorrow, both kids start gymnastics classes! i am looking very forward to that!

the park we found today is surrounded by a beautiful garden, and in it is several crepe myrtle bushes. this is my favorite bush/tree back home.

q mid-steer. he seemed to really like this park...had a great time playing on the play equipment and also spent some time trying to break into the very fast-paced and aggressive game going on at the soccer pitch.

a storm moved through right before we headed out this afternoon, and as a result, the humidity was SUPER high, that my camera lens just kept fogging up...and thus the blurry shot.

it took her a few tries, but livie nailed this rather difficult set of monkey bars. unfortunately, i waited too long to try to record her skilz, and she was tired at this point. prior to this run, she got all the way across in less than a minute three times in a row. i am super excited to get her back into gymnastics...i bet she's really going to enjoy the uneven parallel bars now that she has developed this upper-body strength.


  1. hadn't had a good burger in 186 days?!?!?

  2. ha...nope...they've all been either "weird" or just plain bad. the one we had this past weekend was absolutely AWESOME. i foresee this place becoming a regular stop for us now :-)
