this week has flown by, but i am still very glad it's friday.
q and i took it pretty slow this morning...we just putzed around the apartment and skyped with a dear friend. once livie got home, we took a little time for snack and recharge for her, and then we headed out to sign up the kids for gymnastics class. i planned for us to hop on bus 23, which would get us very close to the YWCA with a minimum of fuss and's just two stops to get within a quarter mile of the YWCA. well, that was a no-go.
the first bus 23 we saw was so full that the driver was able to let on only 3 or 4 people at our stop (there were around 20 of us waiting to board). instead of waiting for another very full bus, we just walked to the YWCA. of course, there was grumbling and a good bit of acting out between the walk to and our stop at the YWCA and a quick errand at a nearby store, so the kids lost the fun privilege of going to the zoo park. they ended up doing a very good job of walking home without complaining and did a great job of listening, so we took a minor detour on the way home and stopped at a small garden that has a carousel in it. the kids had a blast playing there for a while by themselves and then with a little boy around q's age.
there should be some very tired kiddos in the house tonight...they did a lot of walking/running this afternoon!

waffle turned to look at me when he heard the shutter on my cell phone camera...i think he's getting used to the petparazi :-)

waffle looking regal. i find him like this very often...he sits at this window or the kitchen window and just gazes outside. i am thinking he will love to have the chance to go out into our yard when we move back to texas...i am not sure how i will handle that with him...i want to keep him safe AND give him the opportunity to explore.

waffle was roped into playing dressup during his nap. he had no say in the matter...he just woke up dressed up :-)

waking q is a process. he is much like me this way...i do not wake quickly, easily, or happily. i now have a routine of opening his curtains, turning off his A/C, and uncovering him, and it still takes a long time to get him up. this provides me with opportunities to watch him sleep and get pics of him sleeping, though. it took so long to wake him today that i was able to put his socks and shoes on while he stayed in this position.
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