today was a pretty low key day. i asked q what he wanted to do after we got sissy on the bus, naming several of our favorite parks...i was rewarded with an adamant reply of "TAY HOME" complete with angry eyebrows.
so, we stayed home most of the morning. i needed to drop off some shirts to be dry cleaned and get to a housewares store to get livie a new cup for school, so we did get out for a bit in the late morning. the housewares store has a toy section that makes q salivate. today, he chose a classic train set, and it's a HUGE hit...he's played with it for several hours now...temporarily ignoring thomas and all of his friends.
this afternoon, we went down to the building playground for a bit, and both kids had some fun playing with others until it was dinner time.
i am not sure what our morning adventures will be tomorrow, but in the evening, livie will go to flamenco class while q and i roam the wet markets and play at hidden playgrounds.

mid autumn festival is coming up soon, and our building playground is all spruced up in preparation for a carnival this coming friday evening.

here q is holding his newly beloved classic train and horning in on sissy's pbskids time. this pic looks great, but literally a split second after the shutter clicked, q unceremoniously dumped sissy on the floor with a solid shoulder jab.

i dunno. q decided to do some quality control on hotel la fu this morning.

is this not the saddest little baby face?! he started out sad b/c he got in trouble for dumping sissy off the chair, but mid-wail, he started telling me he misses daddy. neither of the kids has adjusted to josh's travel schedule...every week that he travels is a struggle for them. i could not stay mad at this little face for even one more second. i just cuddled those wet little cheeks...and i even forgot to tell him to stop dumping sissy off the chair (this happens a lot).
Look at that face! Poor little dude. :'(
ReplyDeleteI can see James shoulder-checking Aiden out of the chair just like Quinn did to Livie. haha
Awwwww, I just want to give him a hug! He's such an adorable little man. I'm sorry he's missing his daddy. He's pulling my heart strings.