today was a rather manic monday...just the way i like 'em! we spent some time skyping with family this morning after we got sissy on the bus, and then q and i headed out to gymnastics class. he threw a pretty good tantrum about wanting to go to lego class and not gymnastics, and then on top of that, i missed our bus, so we were late getting there. once we walked in, though, he was all over it. his eyes sparkled, he started laughing, and he just really got into it. there are only 3 other kids in the class, and they all appear to be about a year younger than q. i am the only parent in the class (the other kids are there with their helpers). the class wasn't the social opportunity i was hoping for, but it didn't matter b/c q had SO much fun. he was a little timid at first...not really jumping on the trampoline, walking on the balance beam, or hanging off the bars, but after 2 runs through their little circuit, he was ON it...he nailed all of it and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
after gymnastics, q and i looked at some animals at the zoo and then had a super nutritious lunch (insert sarcasm here) at the zoo snack stand. after a good nap and retrieving sissy from the bus, they got a quick snack before we headed off to catch another bus and get sissy to gymnastics. olivia also thoroughly enjoyed her class. while she was in class, q had a great time playing with a little boy close to his age, and i had a nice conversation with an expat from the UK who has been in HK a year.
after livie's gymnastics class, we went to our favorite international grocery to do some shopping; it was crazy busy, and while we were waiting to check out, q misplaced his spencer train, and i didn't realize it until we got to a nearby park. so after a few minutes of play, i had to DRAG the kids out of the park and back into the grocery store without telling them why. if i had mentioned spencer and then we got in there and he wasn't there, all hell would have broken loose. fortunately, we found spencer exactly where we left him, rescued him, and were able to get a cab home in a decent amount of time.

q chillin' out on our way to the snack stand. he decided to look over his sticker book that his coach uses to reward him for good listening during class.
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