today was normal. blissfully normal.
this morning, q and i skyped with baba and played a sorting/matching game, and then we headed out about an hour before his lego class so that he could have some play time and a picnic lunch at a nearby park. he thoroughly enjoyed his class again, and he did a better job of leaving class without quite as much drama.
the afternoon was pretty quiet...just hangin' out at the house and going down to the playground.
my big events for today were very, very domestic. josh has been having terrible allergy problems inside the apartment, but then is fine when he leaves it. he cleaned all of the a/c units this past weekend, but he's still sneezing a lot in the morning. today, i worked on the vent/fan in our kitchen. it was a was actually quite a mess when we moved in and really needed to be scrubbed shiny. i got it shiny on our side, and i can see that there is a way to remove the fan to scrub the outdoor part, but i have not tackled that yet. here's hoping that the dust reduction helps josh.
my other domestic task for the day is making apple butter. i had a bunch of apples the kids didn't want to eat, and i wanted to try out the slow cooker option on my rice cooker. so far, the apple butter is tasting (and smelling) really good.

cutie q mid bite during his picnic lunch
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