livie showing off her angry eyebrows...and her cute hair...and dress...and general adorablness.

waffle decided that q was paying far too much attention to thomas videos on youtube and not nearly enough attention to him. his solution was to plop himself on the keyboard and DEMAND attention. q was not impressed.

waffle has gotten in the habit of laying behind my computer while i eat breakfast and catch up on the day's reading online. he lays there and makes this face at me. i am pretty sure it's a blatant plea for MORE attention. you know that i give in to this face and give him plenty of scratches and kisses, right?

this is q's new train...we call her emily james. she looks like james in color, but has some of emily's features and has emily's name on her side. if you are not closely associated with a thomas fan(atic), this will make no sense to you. to recap : knockoff toy...has the wrong name or wrong color on it...possibly both. result : quinn couldn't care less and is happy to call her emily james.

beautiful girl showing off her new hair clips. we're working on pulling livie's bangs back and have to come up with some creative options. no matter how "creative," she still looks adorable.

two cuties

not only did q take a nap today, but he also didn't want to wake up. here, waffle is "helping" me get q up. this cat loves this boy.
today was a fun and pretty easy day. q and i got out for some morning adventures/errands and ended up with a new fish, a new fan, and a new train. the errands were mostly easy except for the herculean effort it took to keep him from making a huge mess in a small store.
q has recently learned to jump quite proficiently, and jumping is now his favorite method of travel. imagine a not-very-small toddler jumping in a small houswares store full of breakables. yes, it was great fun. it didn't matter that i had a death grip on q's hand, there was still HUGE potential for a disaster :-)
this afternoon, josh came home early, which was a nice treat for the kiddos. q actually took a nap today, and then we had some quiet fun at home before it was time for some playground time for q and flamenco class for livie. it was a fun day!
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