Monday, September 12, 2011

HKG195: Sweepy

today was a busy, but low key day. i have no pictures of the day, but the kids did have lots of fun. they both had gymnastics classes today, and again, the classes were a big hit.

after gymnastics class, q and i were hangin' out at home and getting ready to eat lunch when he looked up at me and said, "mommy, it's sweepy!" with an indignant expression on his face. it took some sleuthing, but it came to light that the floor is slippery when he's wearing socks. shortly after the sweepy revelation, q also figured out how to sock skate and has been thoroughly enjoying his new skill.

q's other big news for today is self-led potty training. while he's not yet telling me he needs/wants to go potty, he is keeping his diaper dry for long periods of time and will agree to go sit on the potty when i find one of these dry diapers. today, while we were waiting outside sissy's gymnastics class, he told me he had a dirty diaper, and when i went to change him, i found that he did not AND his diaper was still bone dry. i asked him if he wanted to go potty there, and he did...FIRST PUBLIC POTTY.

even though i have been a mom for nearly six years and this is my second time participating in the potty training rodeo, i still find myself laughing at how obsessed i have become with someone else's toilet habits. it's still so STRANGE!


  1. Potty training successes are extremely exciting! LOL Yay Quinn!

  2. YAY for Quinn!! Love this post too!!
