today we changed things up with josh working from home and managing q and me going up to livie's school for a brief/informal group parent-teacher conference. the conference was all about the curriculum livie's teacher is using and about the class' progress so far. it was very interesting, and it also provided an opportunity to chat with some other moms.
i had decided to walk to the school since the weather was pretty nice, it's a beautiful walk, and school isn't too far away (2.5 km). it drizzled a bit on the way, and it was very humid as it always is, but i didn't think anything of it. i attended the conference, chatted, and went home. this evening, livie says to me "mommy, why was your hair so crazy at the coffee playdate today?" oops. i guess the drizzle and humidity rendered my hair a little crazy. i have long professed that it will be only a short time before olivia is scolding me about my choice of outfit and/or hair style. she is very, very girlie, and i am not girlie at all :-) i guess today was a sneak peak at life with my fashion consultant!
after the conference, q, josh, and i had lunch before it was time for josh to head into the office and q to head off for a nap attempt. the nap attempt was unsuccessful, so q and i spent time working with his jigos blocks set creating vehicles...we spent most of the day doing that. after we collected sissy in the afternoon, we also spent some time working on a fun art project before heading down to the playground for some outdoor time. the sunflower and dragon fly we created last week are now accompanied by a bumble bee. tomorrow, we will make some grass and flowers to "plant" in our growing wall garden. thank god for blue allows us to decorate the walls willy nilly without causing damage!
it was a great day...bad hair and all :-)

q working on his jigos masterpiece. i have been instructed not to take it apart...demolition is reserved for the quinnado.

no, we don't have enough pics of the waffle kitty sitting in the train set...we need more. given that waffle plunks himself down somewhere in/on/around the train set many times a day, we have tons of material to work with. i love this shot b/c waffle looks like he just got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.
livie decided to dance flamenco with the throw as a prop.
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