today dawned dark and rainy. at times, the rain was moving at a distinctly sideways slant, but i didn't think much of it. i knew that a tropical depression (now storm) called haima was moving into the area and that the weather might get bad, but i was still waiting for it to do seemed pretty mild to me. well guess what? i was of the minority opinion.
the weather was classified as a T3, which refers to the level of typhoon. we are very close to the harbor, but we are protected by the umpteen high rise buildings around us, so the wind we felt wasn't bad. again, it felt like a rather mild storm to me. it seemed like everything shut down, though. livie's school was closed. when we went out to run an errand, we found about 30 to 40% of nearby businesses closed. we found the escalators empty at lunch time, which is typically not the case. oddly enough, livie's flamenco class was still on. q and i tried to have adventures while livie was in dance class, but it was just too much...especially since he kept whipping his poncho off.
i heard, in casual conversation today, that there has been an outbreak of scarlet fever in hong kong. i was told this as i tried, for the third time in a row, to get quinn to stop licking the mirror at dance class (my kid is weird sometimes. okay. a lot of the time. :-). now i have a new worry. my worry list is now comprised of typhoons and scarlet fever. ;-p
i wonder if i should sanitize q's tongue. nah. then he'd act drunk!

q soaking wet after he insisted upon whipping his poncho off. the search for a thomas- or buzz-themed rain jacket is ON.
I love love LOVE Livie's flamenco dress!! :D