other than getting to skype with a dear friend and with my dad, today was a kinda blah day. it wasn't bad, it just wasn't exciting :-) the kids kept it reasonably low key this morning, and then we had some adventures during sissy's dance class.
quinn and i went to a playground near where sissy goes to class, and after moping around by himself for a while, quinn was befriended by a little girl and her brother. he was thrilled. he followed the little girl around with big ol' blue puppy dog eyes, and despite the fact that she appeared several years older and that her brother appeared to be quinn's same age, he had eyes only for her. watching the three children play together, and especially watching other park-goers smile at their games brightened an otherwise rather quiet afternoon.
the big event for today was having building maintenance come in to close off livie's window, which is propped open by a temporary drain pipe. it will be several more weeks before building maintenance folks can begin repairing the common pipes that are clogged and causing leaks in our apartment, and we are tired of being accosted by invader mosquitoes. the solution? duct tape. if i had known the solution was going to be so unsightly and unsophisticated (and leave us stranded in the apartment for much of the morning waiting on the maintenance folks), i would have taped up the window myself. ;-p

this morning, i had to convince la fu that i don't want my waffle toasted :-)

for some reason, the bug has lost her monkey bar mojo...she hasn't wanted to monkey across them in almost two weeks. here, she's trying to decide if she's going to try.

q woke at o'dark thirty again today, and he was pretty grumpy for much of the day (he boycotted his nap today, too). here, he's moping at the playground. he tries to get into stuff he shouldn't...the trash, the plants, and the drainage system. i had told him to go play on the playground or sit on the bench...he told me "it hot!!" and then went and sat on the bench. last summer, q was always happy to be outside no matter how sweaty he was. this year, i think he's declaring a preference for cooler temps. boy is he going to be surprised our first summer back in texas :-)
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