today was a pretty quiet day. we stayed home for the morning, and then q and i had a couple of quick adventures after we took sissy to her bus. on one of those adventures, we met a poodle puppy (shop dog) and had a great time playing with him. later this afternoon, we took sissy back to that store to meet the puppy, and then we continued on in hopes of finding pipe cleaners for an art project we are working on.
i bought pipe cleaners a month or so ago...and i have misplaced them. the hunt for pipe cleaners was long and fruitless though we did find a paper store that had postcards from the 1970s! along the way, we found a building FULL of kids' activities. i know someone told me about this building when we first moved to the mid-levels, but i had forgotten about it. after looking through several brochures, i think we've decided to send both kids to mandarin playgroups for about 3 hours a week for much of this summer. livie has really started to take off with the mandarin that she's learning at school, and quinn repeats what he hears on ni hao kai-lan flawlessly...we want to capitalize on that.
on our long and fruitless pipe cleaner mission, we also found a pet store where we stopped to look at stuff for la fu. we found stuff. he loves the stuff. see the video ;-p

when i am out with the kids, i often am so concentrated on watching them and looking for what we are trying to find that i don't look around me. today, i looked around me. we were right next to a prison. there was a 50-foot high brick wall next to me...with this sign on it. duly noted. you couldn't pay me to drive here, but if i was crazy enough to drive here, i would be sure not to park here.

some of the english translations here make me batty. i am collecting a folder of images of strangely or badly translated english, but i just couldn't sit on this one. this sign is instructing you to disable the access? or telling you were to access the building if you are disabled? i know, i know...though it's incorrect, it is understandable. it still makes me nuts.

livie has been working hard on her kindergarten workbooks each morning, and la fu insists on being part of the action. actually, anytime livie sits down to draw or work in her books, la fu lays right down in the middle of them, bats all her pens off the table, and then chases them all over the apartment. this makes livie crazy. if la fu could laugh at her frustration, he would...that's the look he gives her ;-p
livie showing us she can count to five in mandarin and sing a song in mandarin
waffle la fu playing with a new toy. quinn named this toy cocoa.
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