there is a thief among us. he specializes in microscopic stuffed animals, specifically beanie babies. he waits until no one is guarding the collection of three million of them in his little girl human's room, and then as quick as he can, he steals one to claim it for himself.
i am having to beg livie to share her beanie babies with the cat. la fu has a favorite that is supposed to be a skunk, but it looks more like a black and white squirrel to me (splitting wild hairs, i know), so i call it skunky squirrel. he carries it everywhere and loves for us to throw it for him. in other la fu news, he has learned to play fetch. he brings us toys and yowls until we throw them. you know how a dog gives you "the look" until you throw the toy? well, la fu gives the toy "the look" until you throw it.
we had a very low key day today. after several days of sleeping a more normal schedule, q was up at the ass crack of dawn today AND he refused his nap. there was a lot of whining and tantrums from him today as well as THREE pretty tough knocks on the head. q is very, very clumsy when he's tired. we did get out for a quick park adventure at the big city park that's near us, but otherwise, the kids contentedly played with their toys today. this was a nice turn of events, except that they had to dump out every single toy they have to play with them. i think i need to purge some toys AND rethink my storage system ;-p

la fu hatching some paperwork and cuddling his skunky squirrel. yes, i put that there. he's not usually that nice to skunky squirrel...he's usually tossing him in the air to catch him and shake him or bringing him to me so i can throw him and he can run him down and attack him ;-p

this afternoon, la fu liberated this unicorn from livie's room. he just happened to lay down next to q's book; he did not steal that.

super tired q trying to muster the energy to have "his turn" at brushing his teeth. that's a brand new toothbrush. he threw his other one in the toilet about 10 minutes before i snapped this pic. it's a good thing i had a supply of them!
LOL--tell Livie I feel her pain! While we don't have any animals who steal stuffed lovies, I had to give a stuffed Skele-panda that I got last year up to Trio b/c that is his new favorite thing. As in he cannot nap or go night night without it. /sigh Motherhood.
ReplyDeletehahaha! paige, trio knew you were onto something...that's too cute that your lovey has become his lovey!
ReplyDeleteMy brother's cat stole my nephew's cell phone. I think it was a few weeks before they discovered it. :)