today was a pretty awesome day. we met up with some new friends who are living in HK for part of the summer. i met the mom on a babycenter message board, and that's how we got in touch and planned to meet up once they were in HK.
we all had a bit of playtime at the apartment this morning, and then we walked down into the wet markets so they could enjoy all the sights, sounds, and smells. we had a fabulous time. we stumbled upon a coffee shop that had a pretty nice-looking lunch menu, and there we got some good grub to keep the wee ones going. our timing was such that we missed livie's school bus and i would have gotten her to school about 45 minutes late by taxi, so i just kept her home. with her having such a short day, it doesn't make sense to take her in late. she had a fabulous time playing with two sweet girls, and q did pretty well with playing with a sweet boy close to his age. quinn is still definitely in the parallel play stage with a side of possessiveness the size of texas. this always makes it hard to get him involved in playtime with kids his age. i look forward to him becoming more interactive with his peers.
this afternoon, we got some time in the pool and at the playground before we called it a day. today was a pretty magnificent monday!

q was super tired after our morning adventures. we got caught in a quick and heavy rain storm, so his cute outfit had to come off. as soon as i got him into warm, dry clothes, he turned into zombie the toy box.

this morning, i was running around trying to get a few things done, so i asked olivia to pick up the toys in the living room and pick out an outfit for q to wear. this was worth 12 bucks HKD. she eagerly agreed to earn some cash, and got busy with her duties. she picked this adorable outfit for q. i very rarely put q in these adorable button-down shirts...he usually spends most of the day trying to unbutton it and/or covers it in food or playtime mess. i didn't want to poo-poo livie's choice though, so i put him in it. he looks dapper, doesn't he? i have two friends back home (you know who you are) who dress their kiddos impeccably, and they have passed on some adorable stuff to us. i need to dress q in it more often...and bring a tide pen with me everywhere ;-p
Yes, absolutely... Q looks Adorable!!!