today is our first triple digit day...we have now been in hong kong for 100 days. it's been a very fast 100 days!
today was mostly low key. josh worked from home today so that i could get to a doctor appointment without the monkeys. i swear that before i had kids, i thought going to the doctor was the worst thing ever. now that i have the kids and stay home with them, going to the doctor is like a trip to the spa :-)
the big event for today was mail delivery. late this afternoon, our intercom phone started ringing with us having no idea why. it was the postal service on their way up with a package. our sweet friends, the b family, sent us a box of awesome goodies including two gigantic bottles of acetaminophen...a dream come true considering that 12 tablets costs 8 USD here. THANK YOU nicole and family!!!!!
in other fun news today, i got my first installment of the newsletter that the local SPCA puts out, and in it is an article all about la fu's foster mommy and the work she does for the SPCA and as a foster home. in the article, she's holding la fu; my kitty is a super model :-)

quinn playing with la fu

la fu "holding" the SPCA newsletter, which is open to the article about his mommy. he's actually reaching for quinn's head to give it a good bap :-)

quinn insists upon testing the sterilization procedures here. there are signs everywhere telling you how often public spaces are sterilized, and it's very often. still, i would rather my 2yo NOT lick equipment at the playground. or stick his fingers into a potted plant and then lick them. or rub his hands all over the dirty stairs outside our building before he licks his palm. he did ALL of these things just this's only wednesday!!
quinn playing with la fu. it took some redirection, but he did finally settle on petting la fu gently. q is going through a rough-and-tumble boy know, the one that will end when he's 90...and with this stage comes some not-too-gentle hands. we have to remind him often to be gentle with la fu and to watch carefully anytime his attention is on la fu. as seen here, la fu is an amazing little kitty. he puts up with a lot of two-year-old BS ;-)
the kids and la fu checking out the awesome box of goodies our friends sent us
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