today was a busy, random how about a top 10 format...
- la fu's new nickname is waffle, courtesy of quinn. this is how quinn says la fu, and i think it's going to stick.
- diet dr. pepper tastes REALLY stinkin' good when you haven't had it for 91 days.
- you can do many things with empanada dough. one batch of made-by-me empanada dough got us shepherd's pie empanadas, empanada cheese pizza, and empanada-style sopapilla thingamabobs.
- it is much easier to find things without the "help" of the kids. tonight, i went on a little recon to find the YWCA i couldn't find a week or so ago. i found it. it's awesome.
- taking the kids to the vet with me is painful. for me. and the vets. and everyone else waiting to have their pet seen.
- the vets still wouldn't agree to kennel or tranquilize my kids.
- it is VERY embarrassing to swat little bottoms in public. it was necessary, though, after quinn ran away from me to turn off the gigantic freezer full of natural dog food while we were at the vet...and refused to listen when i asked him repeatedly to calm down (he ran off every time i let go of his arm after the freezer incident).
- i think we may have found a natural bug repellent that works and doesn't make anyone want to run away screaming or feeling like they need to vomit.
- though his energy and appetite have improved greatly in this last week and he can breathe far more easily, our sweet little waffle kitty is still very, very sick. he sneezed blood all over me today. today's trip to the vet won us another two-week round of antibiotics. the next step is having to put waffle under so that they can shove a camera up his nose to see what's going on and why. in addition to his two-week course of antibiotics, he will also take kitty mucinex for a few days in an effort to unplug him.
- i love this little kitty very, very much and want him to be healthy. i guess i have taken getting him healthy a little too seriously though, since i got busted today for him having gained too much weight since we adopted him. in my defense, he is still a pretty tiny little guy...i guess the consensus is that he's just a little bit not tiny enough (cats here are very small compared to cats in the u.s.)

look what gateway delivered today!
quinn mildly protested his nap today, but i ignored him because it was another day of him stumbling around half asleep for most of the morning. he also skipped his nap all weekend. well, when i went to wake him so we could get ready to get livie and take the kitty to the vet, this is what i found. this IKEA bed we bought second hand seems to have come with the wrong size slat system. the bed collapses pretty much anytime josh or i put too much weight on it. it has been pretty stable with quinn's weight....until today. the top of it collapsed, as you can see. the protest i heard was very minor, and actually sounded like it was in his sleep (quinn talks in his sleep very often)...i was very surprised to find this and for there not to have been a much more serious protest.

he perked up for some snuggles from olivia
Awww!! Trio has that same pillow pet. :D