today, i got another wild hair and decided we needed to walk to a YWCA that is near our home. i got lost. again. surprising, yes? the kids were super patient and did a great job of following along with nary a complaint. we saw some pretty sights along the way, and we stopped for a very quick snacky type of lunch...a snunch.
our wanderings ended up with us at the central MTR station, and in that station is a few places to get said snunch, so we stopped by a favorite bakery for sausage buns, lemon tea, and chocolate milk. i detest tea. hate it. deplore it. it makes me want to vomit. the lemon tea here, though? delish. i love it, as does the bug. quinn prefers any drink that has a picture of a cow on the front...preferably chocolate. he points and says cow, peez!
after our goal-unattained adventure, we had just enough time to join a long taxi queue and make it to school with less than 2 minutes to spare until start time. whew!
after school, we had some playtime at the playground, ran an errand, and then took sissy to flamenco class while quinn and i had big adventures. we took a couple canvases to be stretched...they are beautiful black and white paintings of hong kong...and then off to pick up several other random items before getting sissy and heading home for dinner. while we were at the frame shop, quinn was the star of the show with several senior local men gushing over him and miming pinching his cheeks. he doesn't get as into this as sissy does, but he was patient enough.

today was a beautiful sunny day, and this is the stunning view from our vantage point on a pedestrian walkway this morning.

patient kiddos with goofy faces agreed to sit and let me capture a shot of them in the middle of our fruitless wanderings.
just a bit of livie's flamenco class...she's the 2nd to last dancer on the right. i kinda got busted for taking this video...not supposed to be in there during class. i promise to get better video when she has a recital.
this video is for jeanette...i tell her all the time the many ways in which we butcher the good-bye song she taught us in her music class...this is the latest...the la fu song. we sing this to la fu so often, that he perks up when he hears us begin to sing it to him.
LOVE the video of Livie's "la fu" song... especially the second version where she puts her cute personality into it. She is such a doll.