la fu is feeling much better. in fact, as of about 1 o'clock this morning, he's been almost fully recovered. he announced his recovery early this morning by bringing me his squeaky mouse and tossing it and then pouncing on it all over the bed for an hour or so. he also pounced on me every time i moved. i am loving that he's feeling better, but i am a little sleepy today :-)
la fu showed us other ways in which he's feeling better. he ran to the door to greet olivia when we walked in after school. no one else in the family gets that greeting; the bug is at the top of la fu's list of favorite people. once livie finished her snack and the kids settled in to play this afternoon, la fu got right in the middle of the action. livie was more than thrilled to share her hannah montana wig with la fu and allow him to help her tie the laces on one of josh's pair of shoes, but quinn was far more reluctant to let la fu play trains with him. i kept hearing "no, no bad kitty! mah train!" from quinn.
la fu's got a couple more days of his meds and of mommy locking him in the bathroom with the shower running full blast, and then he will see the vet for a follow-up. i sincerely hope that this is la fu's last battle with the kitty flu. i have started him on a kitty chewable vitamin that he thinks is delicious...i am hoping to boost him up and get him strong enough to not succumb to another flare up of this illness.

la fu observing from afar after being scolded by q for trying to play trains (he was very interested in reaching into the shed to bat at a toy spencer that q had pushed in there. q was having NONE of that!)

livie loves to rock this wig. she told me today that she wished her hair was blonde. then she demanded i color q's hair brown because she does not want it to be red...she wants it to be brown like hers (the thinking being that if she's "saddled" with brown hair, then q should be, too. no amount of telling her how beautiful and shiny her brown hair is appeased her.)

unrelated to interactive kitty play time, here is q this afternoon. after a strange period of quiet, i looked up to find him nearly naked. he was very close to getting that diaper off, and when i asked him if it contained a specific content, he verified that it did. i whisked him off for a wardrobe update before he got a chance to show me the contents of the diaper. i am both looking forward to and dreading potty training. livie was never so interested in output...i fear what it means that q is.
Ok, I HAD read that la fu was better. I'd just forgotten. Oops but I'm so happy to read this again.