the kids quietly relaxing after some fun in the pool

we can't find q's new goggles, so before i went to the salon, i went out to get q a new pair and then dropped them off at the pool...this gave me a perfect opportunity to get a pic of my family of fish. josh and the kids LOVE water. livie can swim underwater very well and is close to being able to swim the breast stroke and back stroke. even quinny can swim a few feet with a floaty on. josh is a regular fish having grown up with a pool, competed in swim, and worked as a life guard. i am nearly petrified of water and can barely swim. i am okay to handle the kids in the shallow end by myself, but i am no good in water deeper than my chest or in any kind of natural body of water where you can't see or anticipate your footing. i am way more of a liability than i am an asset.

bug looking eerily grown up while playing games on josh's computer. she was playing curious george games on the pbskids site, but she still looks very grown up here!

la fu did not want to be left out of the morning's computer time, so this is how he ensured he would be included.
blogger was down yesterday, so i am cramming two days into one post. yesterday was pretty quiet, so there's not much to say about it. livie came home from school on thursday with a sore throat, so i kept her home on friday. we had a couple of appointments in the beginning of the day, but spent most of friday at home lounging around and quietly playing with la fu. i entered full-on panic mode about la fu thursday night when i found that he'd not used his litter box in more than 12 hours. i called in to the SPCA where we adopted him and got a quick appointment to bring him to the emergency vet there. he was running a fever and the suspicion was that he'd relapsed into kitty flu. as much as this sucks for la fu, it was better than finding out he had some kind of blockage in his pipes.
today, we have kept it slightly low key. we putzed around the apartment most of the morning, and then around noon, i headed out to the general post office to send some goodies back home while josh and the kids ran out to the wet markets to get supplies josh needed to make dinner; he made bulgogi and steamed rice.
the outing at the post office was definitely a learning experience. i have to say that i miss the convenience of fedex kinkos and the ups store. i spent a lot of time running between a store on the property and the actual post office while i was trying to get all the items assembled and addressed correctly. there was none of this one stop shopping stuff...not even at the same level as the USPS, which is perfectly serviceable, but just isn't as much fun as the ups store or fedex kinkos where there are all sorts of things you didn't know you needed until you see them.
while josh had the kids out, he also got their hair cut. quinn is about 3 pounds lighter and sporting a very cute near-buzz while livie got a sympathy trim (she wanted a hair cut but not to actually have her hair cut :-). after some quiet time and a boycotted nap attempt, josh took the kids to the pool while i went to get my hair cut. i am about 6 months overdue for a hair cut, and since i have very thick hair that had become very long, the situation was becoming dire with the recent heat and humidity. i, also, am about 3 pounds lighter. i asked for shoulder length, but some how i ended up with chin length. i think i am okay with this b/c it is sooooo much lighter and cooler! fortunately, both quinn and la fu, who think my hair is their personal playground, are okay with the new 'do.
We need pictures of the new hair do's! Especially yours! :D