today was the first day that livie got to ride the school bus! q and i have been taking her to and from school using taxis, which adds up over time and can be stressful when it's 10 minutes until school starts or finishes and you can't find an empty on-duty taxi ANYWHERE. i, for one, am glad to be done with the taxi era.
the bug loved the bus ride but did report feeling pretty scared and lonely until the bus picked up someone she knew from her class.
quinn and i enjoyed having a little bit more time to pal around...we ran a quick errand and then to the playground to blow bubbles until it was time for nap. nap was a no-go. after 45 minutes of playing around in his room, quinn started banging on his door and shouting "open dat door!!" instead of nap, q and i kicked back with Shrek until it was time to go get sissy off the bus. once we got sissy, we headed down to ol'mcdonnell or doneels (mcdonald's...the first is how livie says it and the second is how q says it) for a celebratory first-bus-ride ice cream cone before heading out for a couple quick errands. livie felt tired, so we headed back to the apartment for a wee bit of rest before going down to the playground.
all-in-all, today was a good flew by in a fury of activities, which is usually a measure of success. tomorrow, i plan to take the kids on another hoofin' it adventure...let's just hope i don't get us lost again ;-p

enjoying their ice cream cones
q and his bubbles
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