this cracked us up...this is on a billboard outside a real estate office.

the gardens here never cease to amaze me. they are so lush and healthy in the middle of all the noise and air pollution and while surrounded by acres and acres of concrete.

this is another nature shot that i love. this is at butterfly bay. i love the juxtaposition of that beautiful mountain with the buses, taxis, and high rise buildings. peyton f., do you notice that green taxi? it turns out that the green taxis are only allowed to be in an area called the new territories. i did not get a picture of this, but along the highway, we saw several signs depicting a green taxi with an x through it and arrows pointing down the highway...the green taxis were not allowed on this part of the highway. funny, eh?
today was another public holiday in hong kong...buda's birthday. after enjoying a slow start to our day, we took a bus ride out to butterfly bay. our intention was to look around and also to have some quiet time reflecting on the life of a sweet friend. we had hoped to find a butterfly garden or conservatory, but did not. in fact, i cannot find any history on why butterfly bay is named as such. while our friend is never far from our minds, we are sad to have not found the peace and beauty we wanted to experience to commemorate her.
once we returned home, we just kept it pretty quiet. we had a relaxing brinner (breakfast for dinner), played with la fu the wonder kitty, and then went out for ice cream.
today, we broke out a new toy for la fu...it's a squeaky catnip mouse that hangs from a stretchy string. he loves it. he just finished playing with it after nearly 2 hours of non-stop play...the only reason he's done now is because we had to hide it from him...the squeaking was keeping the kids up.
i know i have said it already, but la fu is an awesome kitty. he plays with ALL of us. i still miss my frank and my baby kitty desperately, but i am very thoroughly enjoying the la fu kitty. i volunteered at the SPCA last weekend, and while working in the cat room, i got to know a lot of kitties. i met a lot of sweet and playful kitties, but none like la fu. we hit the kitty jackpot with this little guy.
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