today was another low key day. we mostly hung around the house and playground until after school when it was time to get ready to take livie to her dance class. i sprayed us all down with a natural insect repellent, and well, it stinks. badly. we had been using a patch from the same company (but different company from the first set of patches we used), and the patches have not worked. so, i tried the spray. we didn't get bitten. but we stink. badly.
when we came back to the house after dance class, we found that the house stinks super badly of the spray. quinn informed me, as i was serving him his dinner, "mommy, you tink!" ahhh, out of the mouths of babes.
i don't know if it's related or not, but after doing really well all day today, la fu once again sounds terribly congested. he's eating better and playing more than he was 36 hours ago, but doesn't sound as good as he did 12 hours ago. i bet he thinks we stink, too, and his sinuses have closed up in protest. i am planning to get rid of that bottle of bug spray and begin our search for natural, non-stinky bug repellents once again. in the mean time, i will go back to the patch that works. the patch is not cost-effective on a daily, long-term basis, but it'll work until we find a non-stinky and reasonably priced option.
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