today was another day of construction insanity. i got us out of the house for a good 3-hour chunk of it, but we still had to endure another 3 hours of it. i think i may have to hire a cleaning company to come in and help me get rid of the grit and dirt and powdery residue that is everywhere all over everything. i am going to have to wipe down all of the kids books/toys and launder all of their stuffed animals and bedding. the laundry down the hill will be getting a lot of business from us.
the landlord informed us today that the major leak in q's room is actually caused by a clogged pipe in the communal part of the building, which means it's the responsibility of the building maintenance staff to fix it. this will take 3 weeks to get all the parts, build the scaffolding to reach this clogged pipe on the 10th floor, and then actually fix it. arrggghh. i am not clear yet if that means that the new a/c unit will also leak. due to language barrier, i am getting information about the a/c repairs mostly by pantomime. i am hoping the landlord can relay my leak question to the repair crew and that she can then relay their answer to me.
we are batting 1000 with this apartment. when i went to give the kids their bath tonight, i found that their water heater is not working. it's no big deal to give them their bath in our bathroom since we are fortunate enough to have two baths, but it just irritates the shit out of me. oh, and their medicine cabinet door won't open. that is a problem since their meds and extra tooth brushes are in there. see? batting 1000.

kiddos working on a puzzle book together. they played nicely for about 30 of the 90 minutes we were trapped inside with access to only the living room...and then mutiny ensued with a side of headache.

q looking triumphant in his climbing prowess. the climbing is not really notable, but getting him to let go of gordon and thomas so that he could climb IS notable. it's a nearly constant battle to get quinn to let go of those darn trains so he can do stuff like hold my hand to cross a street or climb on the playscape. we never experienced anything like this with olivia, and i am at a loss as to how to get q to detach from his toys.

cutie bug on the tire swing. livie's been able to swing by herself since the summer after she turned three, but she asked me to push her on this tire swing for a long time today, and she really seemed to enjoy it.

la fu has started claiming this dining room chair as his day post. he seems to like to be in this chair where he's in the thick of whatever we are doing, but he's still cozy.

this is the mess in the dining room. tomorrow, i will post a picture of the scaffolding outside our dining room window. i have had people crawling in and out of the dining room window for 2 days now.

this is the debris from the old a/c units collected in a communal space outside our apartment. i am sure that our neighbors and apartment staff are THRILLED with this mess. there are signs everywhere requiring people to keep communal spaces very clean/ cannot have anything outside your apartment without getting "written up."

this is q's room. that plastic tarp on his bed? yeah, it didn't shield everything...i found all sorts of debris in q's bed tonight.

this is livie's's sustained much less damage/mess than q's so far.

here's la fu....or snafu...getting into trouble. the repairmen had left that window wide open, and i had shut it not two minutes before i found la fu in this position. i about had a panic attack thinking about what could have happened.
other than the issues with the apartment, our day was okay. q is super duper over tired. he went back to napping last week, and b/c the house is a shambles and/or filled with the sounds of drilling and sawing, he has not been able to get a real nap all week. he fell asleep on me for an hour yesterday and the day before and for about 45 minutes today, but it's just not the same as a good nap. due to the energy issues, q threw some doozie tantrums today...he had 3 helpers on the playground scrambling to keep him happy and try to get him to stop wailing. i finally just yanked him and livie out of there to spare everyone and keep q from being "rewarded" for his monstrous behavior. i am wiped. i think la fu and i will cuddle up with the nook early tonight. okay, i will. la fu will conduct his nightly guard checks and la fu 500 races. he does cuddle up with me for a good portion of the night, though. he is such a little snuggle bug. he lets the kids kiss him on his head/ears/nose without trying to get away. la fu could not be more perfect for our family. i have been told that he likes dogs, too, so i am expecting him and sookie to be big buds when we go home. i think that copper will be a welcome cuddle spot while sookie will be the one he gets into trouble with.
speaking of la fu, while i really like his name and am committed to keeping it, i see potential for a couple of changes...either to loofa or snafu. loofa because he spends an inordinate amount of time licking me with his very scratchy little tongue. snafu because of all the messes he gets himself into...i found him inside of thor, on top of the stove, inside of a pan, and on the edge of the tub that was filled with warm soapy water and two kids. this cat's a riot! oh, and he did manage to get a paw into the bing residence...the bings are now protected by the glass top that comes with their tank, a cardboard cover, and a baking pan for extra measure. poor bings :-)
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