it was awesome. livie didn't want to go home. i had some misinformation...our welcome paperwork for the school says that this week is early out all week, but when i went to get livie at 2:30, i learned otherwise. i did take her home early today simply b/c it did not make sense to take a taxi home and then have another round trip taxi ride an hour and a half later. so, tomorrow she will stay the full day, until 4, and i think she will be thrilled with that.

quinn crashed out in the carrier while we were walking around/killing time until we could pick up sissy
la fu the wonder kitty playing with a toy amid a lot of noise and chaos in our house. i still can't convince him to come out and hang with us in the living room, so we have taken to playing in "his" room. he's totally fine with all of us crowding his space...he doesn't get scared or run away...stays out and plays with us or asks for scratches. maybe in another week or so he will be ready to just come out and play with us all the time. until then, we will play with him wherever he is.
since we thought livie's school day was only an hour and a half long, q and i wandered around to kill time. q fell asleep in the carrier just a couple minutes before i found a park, but i was able to sit on a bench and watch him sleep/play games on my phone until it was time to walk back and get sissy.
we caught a taxi just down from the school to go home, but the driver misunderstood when i asked him to take us to seymour road. he took us to sing woo road in happy valley. how crazy is that to end up on the road we used to live on instead of the road we now live on? the driver was apologetic and reset the meter once we got straight on where i needed him to take us.
once we got back to the mid-levels, we stopped for a bite to eat and then went home to play with la fu and relax for a while. we have learned that la fu cries at the door when we leave. this breaks my heart. if we had more space, i'd be running back to the SPCA to adopt another cat, but it's just not feasible. now that we know how sad la fu is when we leave, we can take extra steps to spend quality time before and after we have to leave la fu.
i also took the kids down to the apartment pool today. this is the first time i have done so by myself. they did great until it was time to leave...and then there was much woe. i took them for only 30 minutes, so i think next time i will take them for a longer period of time in hopes of leaving being slightly easier.
starting tomorrow and for the remainder of the week, we will be mostly confined to the apartment as we will have people here replacing all of our a/c units. we can't wait to have a/c! it's only in the low 80s during the day, but the humidity, which is around 85%, makes it miserable in here. since we brought la fu home, we have had to keep all the windows closed. la fu, like most kitties, is very curious...i don't want to take any chances with a curious kitten, open windows, and a 10-story drop (the windows here do not have screens). it's so sticky and miserable in here tonight that quinn refused to let us put a shirt on him to sleep tonight. i will be asking that they replace his unit first...his unit leaks constantly and so quickly, that we change out a stack of towels 3x a day and yet there is still significant water damage to his dresser...all of this with the unit OFF. it leaks even faster if it's on.
so exciting about livie's school!