choosing the very moment i snapped the camera to decide he was DONE with the tire swing

quinn enjoyed throwing grated cheese all over the place, including the floor, and then the two monkeys decided to lick it up.
if necessity is the mother of invention, then i am the mother of necessity...or so it seems.
today was a pretty busy day with trying to get the new place in order. as we were cleaning up to leave the closet this morning, i made a mental note that we were out of soy milk for the boy. and then i promptly disposed of that mental note. a few hours later, when the boy and i headed home for an attempt at a nap, i had completely forgotten we were out of milk. i made the mistake of telling the boy we were out of milk. much angst poured forth. in desperation, i dug through the fridge and cupboard (note the singular, there) in search of something i could use instead. i found yogurt in the fridge...forgot i had bought that yesterday. i created a watered down strawberry yogurt smoothie for the boy...it did not have the desired effect.
after 1.5 hours of vigorous nap refusal and many, many attempts at getting q to lie down and be still (and fall asleep), i gave up. we hung around the closet for a bit and then headed for the playground. he played happily for about 45 minutes, and then went running over to his stroller and said "mah stoh-er!" i should have taken this as my first clue that the best bet was to have him walk home, but instead i put him in the stroller. he was out cold within 30 seconds. and so began the crappiest 45-minute nap in the history of toddlerhood...and the resulting crabby afternoon.
in the mean time, josh and livie were at the new place overseeing cable hookup and waiting for stuff to be delivered from IKEA. delivery was timely, and josh got most of our stuff set up.
tomorrow will entail finding something for me and josh to sleep on, getting some kitchen stuff so we can cook/eat at the new place, and clearing out the closet. we will do the final walk-thru on the closet saturday morning.
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