skyping with the franz family this morning. note the closet open beside my computer and the fact that there are coke zeroes in there...that's b/c i use it as my breakfast table in the morning. yes, i drink coke zero for breakfast ;-p
upside down sissy
today was a slow, relaxing day. we just did the usual, but seemed to do it more efficiently today somehow. instead of regaling you with the mundane details, i will give you my top ten thoughts about moving out of the closet!
- i can't wait to cook in my crockpot. i am not sure which of our favorite crockpot meals i will make first...i have crockpot ADHD.
- i can't wait to have a bathroom with a door that locks. the bathroom here has only a sliding pocket door that does not lock.
- i can't wait to have a fridge that is somewhat normal size. the fridge here in the closet is a dorm-sized fridge...a soda fridge. we can fit no more than 10 items in it, and when we max the capacity, we constantly have to check that it is closed/stays closed.
- i can't wait to have a freezer.
- i can't wait to sit on a couch.
- i can't wait to eat at a table.
- i can't wait to do my own laundry (more about that in this week's randoms).
- i can't wait to have more than 4 rotating outfits to wear.
- i can't wait to be able to watch TV after 8 p.m. currently, we cannot turn on the TV after the kids go to sleep because it is less than a foot from their room and the noise bothers them.
- i can't wait to be settled and not constantly anticipating the NEXT thing.
the big move starts tomorrow. we still won't have beds until early next week, but we do have an interim solution, though it is not an ideal solution. we have to be out of the closet by noon on saturday, so we will definitely be in the new place full time by then. we will probably spend thursday and friday nights here in the closet simply because we have beds here. there's no reason to sleep uncomfortably if we don't have to, right :-)
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