attempted shaping up of the closet. it's better than it was. i have been annoying everyone by following them around to make sure they put stuff back where i designated it. no one is as obsessed with the messiness of the closet as i am. btw, quinn took off his own pants. i didn't mean to photograph my son half naked. this is a new obsession of his and one of the signs that he's ready to potty train.

livie captured this pic of sing woo road beneath our apartment complex. you can't tell it from this pic, but where the road is curving to the left is also a mega steep hill. when we want to catch the number 19 bus, we go up this hill...by the time we get to the bus stop, which is up the hill to the left and then up even higher as the road curves sharply to the right), we are gasping (well, me and livie...not quinn since he's riding in style) and our legs are cramping

good lord, she's cute! livie took this pic of herself. actually, she took about 50...i had to cull them to the best of the bunch. i like this one because it shows off her beautiful eyes.

livie captured both herself and the building next to us. this building actually has a car park...FANCY SCHMANCY.

here, i am trying DESPERATELY to nap next to little miss busy body. it didn't happen...she kept asking me to fix the camera on the phone and/or asking me to look at the pics she took.

the makings of tonight's dinner. that shredded cheese was 48 bucks HKD, and the tortillas were 31 bucks HKD. check out the nifty converter on the side bar to see what these values are in USD. trust me, these were some EXPENSIVE tacos.

my search for salted butter-like substance continues. i think i may have found it in this product from japan. the ingredients are similar to margarine, and most importantly, salt is the 2nd ingredient. yummmmm!

bought q name-brand diapers tonight...i NEVER do this. we had gotten him a big ol' pack of the international market brand diapers when we first arrived, but we have just one left. you see, only the international market has a size big enough for quinn. the international market brand that fit him are size L for up to 17 kg. those were sold out today, so i went with these huggies. do you see the size XXL there...and the diaper is rated to fit someone up to 15kg...quinny is just over 17kg. they do fit him just fine, but my delicate psyche doesn't like the XXL label. a local person asked me today if quinn is 4...he is very big for his age both in the u.s. and here...ESPECIALLY here...he's a giant compared to local 2yos.
what was the big deal with the apple, you wonder? well, last night i had asked josh to pick up tomatoes on his way back from work, and he accidentally got a box of persimmons. quinn spent the morning telling me the persimmons were apples and gleefully requesting one. i washed one and gave it to him. BIG mistake. persimmons are a VERY messy fruit. within less than five minutes, that persimmon was EVERYWHERE. there were many tears shed at the removal of the persimmon from two sticky hands, and it was only the promise of an apple on the way to play that calmed the tears.
it was raining so hard by the time we headed out, that we took only enough time to get some apples (and get soaked) before we cut our trip to the park short and went to the playroom instead. we had a ball there...quinn took a long time to devour his apple while heckling some ping pong players, and then he finally agreed to GO PLAY. he had a ball chasing around several big girls, playing peek-a-boo with me, and climbing all over the playscape.
the afternoon was even more quiet. the big event for today was tacos. yes. tacos. these were the most expensive tacos i have EVER eaten....it's a good thing they were pretty tasty. my love of tex mex isn't going to get much attention here...i may need my mommy to send me TORTILLAS and i will just hope they show up not-too-stale :-)
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