quinn and a friend at the park. this little boy came right up to quinn and told him "c'mon, let's play!" josh said quinn was THRILLED at the invitation and that the little boy was patient with quinn's being younger/slower.

quinn at the park

this is a beautiful park and garden right behind our apartment building. it's startling and beautiful to see these beautifully maintained gardens in the middle of all the hustle, bustle, skyscrapers, and traffic. i see many gardens like this one t/o hong kong.

these buildings are above the garden that is behind our apartment building. it was very hazy/foggy/drizzly today, and i like the effect in this picture...the way the tops of the buildings disappear into the elements.

this pic is for peyton f....this is about 1/3 of the police station motor pool. everything is so neat and organized. i am a little obsessed with how the motorcycles are lined up perfectly.

"ditalini" with chinese cabbage...not half bad!
today was pretty slow. we headed down to the prince building to do some shopping...we were looking for an air mattress b/c we don't have beds in the new apartment yet, and we have to be there a little early to take deliveries on thursday. it turns out that we will be catching a cab to get there on time b/c the air mattresses were WAY too expensive. we also took some time to peruse a book store for the kids and for me to do some birthday shopping for josh...he turns 25 tomorrow. yes, i am robbing the cradle. okay, i AM robbing the cradle, but not that many years :-P we made one more stop at a store called mothercare, which is similar to USA baby in austin. a little rich for my taste, but fun to look through nonetheless. i was looking for safety equipment and to price booster chairs...there was none of either, but i did find a selection of high chairs for no less than 100 bucks USD and as high as 800 bucks USD. oh mah god. that high chair better feed the baby, burp the baby, and wipe up the baby for that amount of cash!
we got distracted by the bright lights and delicious smells coming out of a store called olivers, and we spent some time in there shopping for josh's bday dinner. i could spend hours and a LOT of money in there...there was all kinds of good foods...familiar comfort foods from home and all sorts of interesting stuff i have never tried. there was a pretty good selection of cheeses, and i procured myself some ricotta and pasta to make one of my all-time favorite comfort dishes...something my nana called ditalini...pasta and ricotta together...very simple, comforting, and YUMMY.
the rest of the day was super slow. josh took the kids to the park so i could putz around the closet by myself and get out to the wellcome by myself (nancy, the wellcome is the regular market...not international and not american...still loads of fun when not accompanied by two monkeys).
i went out to snap a few pics of the area around us, including the police motor pool. i felt like i might be breaking some kind of law doing that and told josh i was waiting to be followed and arrested. so far, so good...they are not on to me yet ;-p
mothercare is huge in asia.. has been for a long time. remember the christening gown aadil and safiya wore, that I had worn as a baby? that's from mothercare!