the lighting is pretty awful, but the look on waffle's little face is pretty clear, isn't it? i believe it says HELP ME :-) he was lying peacefully on the couch, minding his own kitty business when the kids decided it was time for him to PLAY. they were both pretending to be dogs and were trying to engage him in their game.
today dawned congested and miserable for quinn...now we know why he was so off his game yesterday and woke crying a couple times during the night. due to his feeling icky, we stayed home again today with q lying on the floor in a heap much of the day. he perked up once sissy was home from school and rallied pretty well this evening. i let him nap for 2 hours, AND he got very little exercise today...we will see what this means for ni-night time.
there was one other mopey boy in the house today...waffle. he laid on his throne the ENTIRE day and perked up only when olivia came home. after a recap of her day and a snack, she wanted very badly to play games on pbskids and another reading games site, but i convinced her to play a game with me and then play chase with la fu for a bit, first. we had a great game of go fish, and then she ran up and down the hall with waffle and threw his mouse/hair bands for him for a while. kitty and i were both much happier after getting some time with the bug.
tomorrow, if q is well, he will be attending a couple of trial classes. here's hoping he gets some great sleep and is feeling well tomorrow.
That picture is AWESOME. He is so saying, "HELP!" haha