gratuitous snap of livie's latest drawing. her people are getting much more detailed and lifelike...she also is kinda obsessed with all things dental. notice that this person is missing teeth AND has braces...two things livie wants DESPERATELY :-)
this morning, the kids and i hopped on the apartment shuttle to catch a ride to the central ferry piers. we rode the star ferry over to TST so we could take livie back to the jewlery store to have her ear repierced. i set off knowing that the store was inside the MTR building and thinking it would be easy to find. i was wrong. i tried using my GPS navigation system to find it...no dice. i tried using the web site to find it. nada...i didn't have the right flash utility installed on my phone and could not view the web site. i got as far as knowing what road to be on...i thought...hopped in a cab and was invited to hop right back out b/c the driver had no idea where i wanted to go. we wandered around for a while and then went back into the MTR building to catch a train back to central. as we are walking toward the train, livie spots the entrance to a shopping arcade and excitedly tells me that the jewlery store is located inside. she was right. my kid's got a steel trap for a memory. unfortunately, we were not able to get livie's ear repierced b/c it is red/irritated...we have to wait a week to hopefully prevent any infection.
this afternoon, we got out to the playground for a while, and when we got back at 7:45, i noticed the fishies' aerator was not working. no prob...i had bought two so i'd have a backup. oops, i was already on the backup aerator. i hurriedly fed the kids their already-late dinner and then rushed them out to the store so i could get batteries for a portable aerator josh had gotten me...thank god for that portable. it's loud as all get out, but the fish have bubbles and i have backup batteries for the darn thing. the fish vendor in the wet markets doesn't open until 10 and closes at 6...and this is why i keep buying aerators two at a time. i have yet to have one crap out during the day when the fish vendor is open.
tomorrow, the kids and i will be heading into kowloon to check out a uniform store. we have been having a hell of a time finding a navy blue skort for olivia for school. josh found a u.s. uniform company that will ship to hong kong and ordered skorts several weeks ago. they shipped this past saturday. i also ordered a few more from crazy8.com when i figured out that the ones josh had ordered had not shipped (and this was after 3 calls to customer service to find out where they were...josh called tonight to cancel the order only to find out they shipped...finally). so, livie will have a LOT of navy blue skorts. anyone need a little girl's navy blue skort??? or two?
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