livie's second day of school went off without a hitch. josh waited with her for her morning bus, and then q and i collected her in the afternoon. the time between pickup and drop off, though, was a little like something from the twilight zone.
q woke up later than usual, but was happy and ate his breakfast well. i was mulling over the idea of packing a picnic lunch and taking him down to the train park and the sun yet sun memorial park to play, eat, and kick a ball around on the grass, but then i got a skype call from a dear friend i hadn't talked to in a while. so, we chatted for a while, and when i finished the call, i realized it was a little later than i thought, so i asked q what he wanted to do. i knew that if q was going to get down for a nap before sissy's bus got here, we had to get moving. when i asked him if he wanted to go to the train park or the zoo, he told me "no...tay home!"
i went off to do a couple morning chores while he played in the living room thinking i'd ask him again in a few minutes. i came back in the living room after only a few minutes to hear a muffled cry and to find q trapped under the couch. i am not sure how he got himself wedged the way he did, but he was really stuck...i had to pick up the couch to get him out. that kinda set the mood for q being a bit fragile. i soothed him and played a game with him, and then went to put laundry away. this time, i came back into the living room to find him crying so hard he couldn't talk. i have NO idea what happened. he was sitting next to the toy box, pointing at it, and crying. he was obviously scared of something, but i could not glean what it was. i sat with him, rocked him, and hugged him until he calmed down, and at that point, we decided to have an early lunch. he ate well and calmed down but was very subdued. he acted sleepy, did not fight when i told him it was nap time, and laid down without any fussing, but he never fell asleep...he played until i sprung him.
after the nap attempt, q played quietly for a few minutes and then told me "i want sissy!" he made it very clear i was to go get sissy from wherever i was hiding her and return her to him. it was sweet but sad to hear him say this. once sissy was actually home, q returned to his happy and rambunctious self with a side of punch drunk (whenever i question whether he still needs to nap, i remind myself how punchy he is when he doesn't). i know that he naturally wants to stay home more than livie and i do, but he always is pretty game for our adventures. i think he's pretty sad about being without sissy. i sure hope the classes we are looking at are super fun and help him get out of his funk.
tomorrow, q and i are going on an adventure come hell or high water. i can't take this much time locked in a building. q is at the playground with sissy and daddy right now while i wait for the cable guys to show up...i have to get out later to pay some bills, and i can't wait...i am actually EXCITED about walking to 7-eleven to pay bills ;-p

today's school pic...this isn't the best shot b/c it's kind of blurry, but i like it b/c livie looks so cute and isn't making one of her painfully cheesey on-command grins :-)

waffle had his own game going while q and i were playing...he kept bringing me his mouse and seemed to really like chasing it through the tunnel

q observing our color game

q and i dug up a car or train to match each section of this puzzle. he thought it was hilarious when i made the train or car talk to him to tell him to open each section to see the color and what kind of animal was inside. q's doing great with his colors, and does a great job of counting to 10, and coming from a family of animal lovers, he knows all of his domestic pets and farm animals, too :-)
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