goofy kids playing with the area rug while waffle looks on
this coming week is livie's last week of freedom before school starts. we have loose plans for several different adventures, but the theme of the week will definitely be quality time with sissy. q and i are going to miss her desperately. next week is the start of all-day school (for the first time), and it's going to be a big change for us as well as for olivia. we have had her all to ourselves except for the five weeks she went to kindergarten (preschool) in may/june. i predict there will be a lot of moping. i hope to get q into some classes that are just for him...gymnastics or soccer or something else that he will enjoy and get to have all to himself. being the second kiddo, he's never gotten this privilege...he's always had to tag along with sissy and do whatever she's doing or stay with me while she does something fun/cool. i think he will enjoy this new, big change once he gets over missing sissy.
our first big adventure for the week is going to be a ride on the ferry into TST. tonight, one of olivia's studs came out of her newly pierced ears. i did the best i could to jerry-rig what's left (just the earring), but we need to get back to the store asap to get a new back for her earring to make it secure again.
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