this morning started out pretty low key. livie and i had our dentist appointments around lunch time, and josh and q were headed out to get q's hair cut and look around.
the dentist appointment ran very, very late, but all-in-all it went very well. livie came back with a sparkling clean bill of dental health. she did great for the exam and cleaning and even enjoyed the fluoride treatment.
my exam was not so full of rainbows and unicorns. i have not been to the dentist in several years...around four, i think, so this is all my fault. not only was there much work to be done, but the equipment has CHANGED since the last time i went. instead of the medieval hand-powered pokey scraper thingamabob, this dentist had an electric drilling pokey scraper thingamabob. OMIGOD that hurt like a mother you-know-whater. that's the last damn time i skip even one dental cleaning. i used to be religious about it...went every six months until i moved to austin. i kept going to my dentist in temple simply because i adored him...he was always gentle, thorough, and fun to talk to. once olivia came along, making the 1.5 hour trip to get my teeth cleaned and/or deal with anything else that came up was a pain. i tried one dentist in austin and hated them, switched back to the dentist in temple, and then had quinn. now with two kiddos, i has just not been possible to get back up to temple. now that we're in hong kong, it's even less possible :-) BUT...all that to say that i will NEVER skip another cleaning. fortunately, i do not have any new cavities, but i still can't get the taste of blood out of my mouth from the torture i rec'd today.
funny note about the dentist...they don't "do" 2-year-olds, so we will have to find a true pediatric dentist for q's first dental checkup. i kinda laughed when they told me they took very few patients q's age and that it depended on their maturity/personality. i was thinking that we all dodged a bullet by not taking q to that particular clinic :-)
after the dentist appointments, i took livie back to the jeweler to get her ear re-pierced, and here is where we ran into another sadist...this one just purely sadistic without any reason or need to be. she INSISTED on trying to repierce livie's ear by hand despite my asking for the gun no less than 3 times. i feel bad that i didn't get pissy sooner, but after the 3rd attempt, livie's little face started to crumple and she started to cry a little, and that's when i stopped being polite and demanded that she use the gun. the gun took less than 10 seconds, and now livie has two earrings and no more pain.

blurry q showing off his new 'do and trying to play the iphone tom cat game with sissy. this game is pretty can get the kitty to repeat what you say, purr when you pet him, drink milk, burp, and toot. guess which function gets the most use and laughs from our kids :-)
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