do you think this juice box will fit in livie's book bag? i wonder if there's a straw big enough for these things :-)

here q is trying to "help" sissy play on pbskids.org. see how thrilled she looked. this started out okay with a little crankiness, but it eventually escalated into a heated battle that caused the end of any games on the computer.
the online shopper (me) strikes again! the other day, i placed an order for groceries that was largely comprised of snacky-lunchy type things to send with olivia when school starts. amongst those snacky items was an order for a case of juice boxes. fast forward to today. the groceries arrive, and i have a suspiciously hard time lifting one of the boxes. i open it to find that i have ordered six 1-LITER juice boxes...you know, the kind that can serve your kids for about a 3 days each. i got a good laugh at myself.
our other adventure for today was heading over to the pacific place mall to check out the grocery store, great, that our friends had told us about when they were living there. i figured i'd find a few more interesting snacks to send with olivia. i did. we had a great time perusing the store...i could have had a lot more fun, though, if i wasn't constantly trying do damage control with q. there were no carts with seats, and there were many rows with glass bottles on them. i will have to go back another time to REALLY peruse the store without any "help." oh, and a sidenote about this adventure, it included a round-trip bus ride that went without incident. this is a FIRST for me...i am so bus-challenged that i almost always end up using a bus for only part of a journey. this time, i finally figured out where to catch the return bus...the one going in the right direction, that is :-)
the rest of the day was low key except that after dinner, we took a nice walk to get some frozen yogurt at a nearby shop that keeps being recommended to us. we now understand the many recommendations...YUM!
tomorrow's adventures include DENTISTRY. sounds fun, eh? all of us are long overdue for dental checkups, so livie and are doing a recon for the rest of the family. supposing this dentist does not make us run from the office screaming, josh and q will soon have appointments, too. they should be very glad that livie and i are taking the inaugural scraping :-)
My "in" to the imperial system is to remember that one cup is 250mL (also that 82ºF=28ºC!). Maybe that can help you too? Bonus: it's waaaay easier to go from 250mL to a litre than it is to go from a cup to a quart. Actually, I still can't! :-/