i have been thankful for small spaces since we moved into this apartment...it's easy to clean up and easy to keep track of the kids...and it's still enough space that we can all get a little time to ourselves when we need it. today, i am particularly thankful for small spaces.
i put quinn down for a nap attempt. i heard him playing around pretty quietly, and i didn't worry, but i checked on him a few times. even though the space is small, i need to go to quinn's door to listen for him because the room is pretty sound proof and there's a lot of booming construction noise around our building, so i can't hear him well unless he's really loud or i am right up on his door. after checking a couple times and finding that he was still being pretty quiet, i went to sit down with livie...and then heard the kind of cry a mother never wants to hear...that panic-stricken cry of pain and fear.
i raced into quinn's room to find him trapped under his dresser where his legs were pinned but his torso and arms were free. what saved him from having the entire dresser on him from his chest down was the fact that his room is so small that his bed caught the dresser and kept 90% of the weight off of him. quinn had been standing in his bottom drawer trying to climb up his dresser when it tipped, so his legs were caught between the bottom and middle drawers, leaving bruises on his legs. he also has a nasty scratch down his back from where he must have hit the corner of his foot board as the dresser pushed him down.
i shook for nearly an hour after finding this scenario. josh had to field a rather hysterical call at work, and then leave work early to look around for some hardware to bolt the dressers to the wall. right now, the dressers are attached to the floor boards until josh can find the right tools to attach them to the wall (there is concrete behind the drywall making it impossible to use a regular drill to attach the dressers to the wall). this is a project we have been putting off for a few weeks, and wow do i regret that now.
other than this incredibly scary experience, our day was pretty quiet. this morning, we went out to look for shoes and a skirt for livie to wear to her flamenco class. while we didn't find exactly what we were looking for, we found a nice, long skirt for her and had some fun exploring a couple stores. we also stopped at a mcdonald's. why?! why do i do this to myself? today's md experience was a little less traumatic...all 3 of us got to sit together with in a couple minutes of getting our food, but it was still a madhouse. i know that one of the things i am going to enjoy most when we visit texas is going to a nice, spacious mcdonalds.

i gave livie the camera this morning, and asked her to get pics of her crazy brother hiding in the toys. funny, eh?

this scratch is the worst of the injuries quinn received from what could have been a horrible accident. i don't think i've ever been so thankful to see a scratch on my baby boy, but knowing that it could have been sooooo much worse makes this scratch seem like a blessing.

kids are sooooo cute when they are sleeping. since livie doesn't nap anymore, the opportunity to get pics of her sleeping is rare. surprisingly, quinn laid down quietly and went right to sleep after today's drama...i had to go wake him up, and this is what i found.

my two sillies hamming it up while we wait for the shuttle. don't you love livie's eye makeup...that's my fault for buying it for her in the first place. she seems to like to go for the ru paul look ;-)

livie and i worked on this puzzle today. the dakotas and most of montana are MIA, but we did later find florida.
How scary! Glad he is not more hurt than the scratch and bruises.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm glad to hear Quinn wasn't too hurt!! That is terrifing Trio did that one time only the dresser came completley down on him and I couldn't get it up and him out of the way. Lucky a friend was living with us at the time and was home on lunch and able to get the dresser while I got Trio. Still pretty scary.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad that Quinn was ok!!! How scary. I've always been terrified of that happened so I have the heavy stuff bolted in but not the medium or light stuff (so I still have some worries). And I AGREE, thank goodness for small spaces!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your monkey is ok. he really knows how to make a gal's heart race, doesn't he?! take a deep breath. he's a boy. boys do crazy things. grey haired mommies before the kids turn 18 is a very natural and common phenomenon, so don't sweat it. ;)
ReplyDeleteglad you're enjoying the US puzzle we got Livie for her b'day. =) were the pcs missing from before? coz I JUST threw away the receipt yesterday!! =P
thank you, girls. @taz, the puzzle was all together before we left the u.s. i am reasonably sure the last piece is somewhere in her room here. i store puzzles in ziploc bags with the box cover inside, but it still doesn't help keep all the pieces together when a mischievous little brother has discovered the ziploc! we had a great time working on the puzzle together...thank you!