this is how much energy they had after playgroup and the walk home...i'd say the morning was a success!

before we left this morning, the kids climbed into our bed to play "honk shoo" (a game they made up where they pretend to be asleep and snoring), and then sissy decided to read to quinn. pretty cute!
today was scheduled to be a busy day of fun. we had a playgroup scheduled for this morning, and then livie's flamenco class scheduled for this evening. everything was going gangbusters until i pulled the hall door shut behind us in an effort to keep the bedrooms cool this afternoon (all a/c units are still broken and will be until the end of the month). and then i realized i'd left the stroller in the back, so i tried to open the hall door. nothing doing. it was locked. one of the monkeys had locked it. so, i rummage through the junk baskets in the kitchen to find the set of 15 keys that came with our apartment (each bathroom and bedroom has a key, the hall door has a key, the front door has a key, the outer door has a key, and they mailbox has a key). none of them fit. my eyesight is not what it once was, so i just kept trying to jam keys into this door knob. after the 15th try, i looked a little closer. the keyhole is filled in. WHY?!?! what sense does this make? fortunately, it's a simple handle lock and not a deadbolt. so, i jimmied it with a spatula. i'm talented like that.
the playdate was fun and wore us out. i made quinn walk the entire way home b/c i knew that if i put him in the stroller, he'd pass out cold and ruin any chance of an afternoon nap (it was just a little after noon when we left the playdate). the walk was over a mile uphill. it worked. he napped without making one peep about resisting the nap.
the kids had a great afternoon playing with each other with only a tiny bit of fighting before we headed out to the flamenco class. quinn had a very hard time leaving sissy at flamenco class and threw a wall-eyed fit for almost the entire time it took us to walk down to the wet market. he kept turning around and pulling my arm while he told me "i go dat way!!! my sissy!" it was pretty cute if a little annoying. he also did try to get a little girl in livie's class to come look for fishies with us. that was precious.
at the wet market, we had a ball picking out fruit...one piece was acquired accidentally b/c quinn sunk his teeth into it...it was an expensive one, too. we also picked up something living for our apartment...a plant! it's a flowering succulent...i recognize the leaves, but can't place/name the plant. will post a pic later so someone can help clue me in! we also stopped at a stationary store to get stickers for the kids. the highlight of the wet market was getting to play with what looked to be a 6-month-old kitten. she wouldn't let quinn touch her, but she let me pet her and scratch her tummy. it was heavenly.
i want pics from this flamenco class. hilarious!
ReplyDeletelocksmith. good one to have on that mommy resume :)
Dang girl, not only can you cook but you can jimmy a door. You are very talented with a spatula!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I'm so behind on your blog. I'm STILL recovering. Ugh.