happy bug enjoying the playscape. she found a friend who was a little older than her and also very adventurous on the playground equipment, so she got pretty brave trying some new stuff...she did great. random note...this playscape is from nebraska. i am still very intrigued by the fact that every single playset we have seen, and we've seen many, is from somewhere in north america. the playset on the apartment playground is from ontario, canada.

quinn out cold. while i was waiting for quinn to wake up (and keeping his stroller positioned to keep him from folding double), i was sitting beside two senior locals who stared at quinn and talked about him the entire time he was asleep. they were pretty interested when he woke up and scarfed his chicken nuggets, too :-)
today was a day spent in bureaucracy. first, we headed down to the immigration office to apply for our hong kong IDs. later in the day, josh spent quality time playing email ping pong with folks in the ESF system. it's not looking good. the schools are way over enrolled and the wait list is very long. we are currently researching other options.
the immigration process was relatively quick and painless, but it was with two small children in tow, so no matter how short and efficient the process, there's going to be some level of mutiny. the clerks who helped us took pity on the kids and gave them warm smiles and biscuits. i think the crowd that was waiting for the last station was pretty glad to see us go, though. by the time we reached that phase, the mutiny was getting louder and more insistent.
after we finished at the immigration office, we headed to a mcd's for lunch. it was a nightmare. i don't know why we keep doing this to ourselves except that it's familiar and relatively fast. there's just no place to sit. the situation was complicated by a comatose quinn all balled up in josh's arms making it difficult for him to eat.
quinn remained asleep through that adventure, a walk to a park, and almost an hour of sissy playing at the park. he woke up happy, gobbled his room-temp nuggets, slurped some sprite (that's a rare treat, so he went a little crazy when i took it away), and then played for a bit before we had to go find a bus and head back home. the rest of the afternoon was discombobulated b/c of the crazy morning, lunch, and stroller nap.
tomorrow promises some more mundane adventures as we head back to the bank to rectify a small issue. hopefully, that won't be too painful, and once we are done there, i think the kids and i will head out for some kind of adventure. we'll see how we are all doing in the morning.
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