i guess foreigners need extra beer?

livie took this pic of the playground...with people actually on it! we are lucky if we see one other kid on this playground each time we go to it.
today was a pretty quiet day...we mostly putzed around the house and recovered from our busy day yesterday. i finally got to catch up with my mom...haven't talked to her in two weeks b/c of our skype issues. i also spent some time cleaning, shopping, and cooking. cleaning this place is a snap...i think i am really liking this smaller space...it took me about an hour...maybe an hour and twenty to clean the whole place. i did the cleaning in spurts, and some stuff, like the floors, was messed up again by the time i finished everything else, but man, that's no time!
i also had some fun picking up special ingredients for a dinner i made tonight. i made this recipe along with some green beans and some beer bread. i have been craving beer bread since we left texas, and now that i have my nifty 3-in-1 oven, i can make it. today, i used guinness along with a sugar by the brand name taikoo. it's not a refined sugar, and i think that added a lot to the bread...it was sweeter, but also more flavorful. it was downright delicious...half the loaf is already gone!
other than the domestic bliss, we mostly just stayed quiet today. it was a nice, relaxing day. this week will be a little different...josh is off work on tuesday for the ching ming festival, so he will stay in hong kong for work this week instead of going to GZ for part of the week (since he loses tuesday in the GZ office). the kids and i have far fewer house things to get done, so we are going to catch up on fun. i think we might go up to the zoo again and maybe to the snoopy park we've been wanting to see. i've also been looking around for kids' activities and classes...i am finding some stuff, but unfortunately, there's not a lot that is suitable for both kids...most classes are grouped by age in such a way that someone is being left out. i will keep looking, but it looks like we won't do any class stuff until sissy is in school...then i can take q to some classes since he's not really gotten this opportunity yet (except for miss jeanette's music class in pville, which he used as an opportunity to terrorize the pville rec center (wreck center when q's around)).
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