we have much to be thankful for today, but at the very top of our list is the opportunity to go home in a few weeks. we also are thankful for having had this amazing opportunity in hong kong.
today was a pretty great day, but it definitely did NOT feel like thanksgiving. we are very seriously missing our family and friends today. last year, we went down to boerne to share thanksgiving with my mom, dad, and siblings. it was pretty awesome...this year was pretty lonely. i am so glad we will be home for christmas...i am not sure i could take two major holidays being so lonely.
this morning, q and i putzed around the apartment for a while, and then caught a bus into wanchai to play at the southorn playground and have lunch with josh. q had a great time playing; together we found a very interesting bug, and then q practiced his climbing and jumping skills. i practiced letting go of his hands and not panicking/envisioning ambulance rides.
when josh go to the park, he snuck up on q and called his name quietly...the exuberant sprint and leap into josh's arms brought a smile to many faces. we had some delicious sandwhiches and lemonade at a french patisserie called pomme, and then followed that up with the world's most AMAZING chocolate cupcake. the kids and i will be meeting up with josh there again before we leave hong kong...livie needs to experience that cupcake!
this afternoon, the kids and i headed out to find some fixin's for a semi-traditional thanksgiving dinner. i was specifically looking for ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin puree. i knew i could find all of these ingredients at a store that is a little far away, but i didn't want to deal with the delay of trying to get a cab so late in the day (this would mean standing around for 30 to 45 minutes in hopes of getting a cab not to mention the actual travel time and time to shop). since i chickened out, i decided to head to the next level down international store.
on the way there, we ran into josh! this was perfect...he agreed to take the kids to the shake-shake bridge playground so i could shop in peace. unfortunately, my choice to go to the lower level international store meant that i did not find any of the t-day goodies i was looking for, so i improvised a non-standard t-day menu : chicken fried chicken, cheesey mashed taters, green beans with bacon, biscuits, and home-made cream gravy. it was delicious! it annoys me that it took me an hour and 45 minutes to cook it all (including having to stop and wash dishes/do the cooking in rounds), but it was soooooooooooooo worth it. i am desperately craving pumpkin bread, so i am planning to go find the ingredients and make that sometime this weekend.

blurry but delicious non-standard thanksgiving dinner
q and his 'bots having a chat while we wait for sissy's bus. q is all boy all the time, but he also has this soft side to him. he cuddles these robots and makes them hold hands. he also regularly gives me a 'bot to cuddle and care for while he cuddles and cares for the other.

goofy children wrestling

really cool bug q and i found at the park. my blurry cell phone pic doesn't do it justice. look closely...he has fuzzy "ears" sticking up, and his wings are completely transparent.

q looking adorable despite the fact that he is mid burp
q burps. he's super proud of his talent.
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