it was a monday. monday oozed all over everything until it was spilling out the cracks. i am glad tomorrow is tuesday, though it probably won't be a simple tuesday simply because waffle has a vet appointment AND livie is coming down with a cold...nothing like at least one cranky kid and one scared-shitless cat to make the day interesting.
back to monday. it really wasn't that bad...the kids each had gymnastics today and enjoyed their classes. livie had a good day at school. q was in a foul mood this afternoon and whined and tantrumed himself into a couple of time-outs. it was waffle, though, that provided the BIGGEST evidence of monday. i was working in the kitchen preparing livie's lunch for tomorrow and our dinner for tonight when i decided to take a break to do something with the bug. i walk by my computer on my way to do said activity with bug and notice that the display is sideways. i tried restoring windows settings from backup...nope...still sideways. so, i had to google "windows vista display orientation" and read it sideways. fortunately, the instructions were short and simple.
in case you were wondering. all you have to do is press ctrl + alt + up/down arrow key to rotate your monitor display 90 degrees. hmmm. i guess i can see how this might be handy if you want to show your display to someone who is sitting across from you or hanging from the ceiling. maybe. what i am REALLY hung up on, though, is exactly how waffle managed to step or sit on exactly the right key combination to use this feature.
this is my computer sitting exactly as it should, but my display sitting sideways. good times.
this is the reason my display was sideways. he looks comfy (and innocent), doesn't he? little turkey!
the sideway rotation, I had it happen a couple of times at work, and Aadil has managed to do it once or twice as well. trust me, it really is that easy to do. LOL