today was a super low key day. we just putzed around most of the morning, and then headed out for a late-morning walk to the hollywood road park and to get some lunch. we ended up stopping off at a hole-in-the wall "steakhouse." the food was a hybrid of russian, western, and chinese. it wasn't bad, but it also wasn't anything to write home about. we were one of two tables that were occupied by westerners, so we attracted some attention to the point of one woman literally turning her back on the rest of the people at her table to stare at our table. it was disconcerting.
josh left for GZ this afternoon, and the kids and i kept it mostly quiet with some time on the wii and at the building playground before dinner. after dinner, we finished up q's bday cake with some ice cream. it's been pretty tough to not have a microwave, but i have found that softening ice cream is probably one the biggest challenges without a microwave. it's not like i can put ice cream in the oven or in a pan, but i did find a work around. :-)

ambient heat from the two burners softened the ice cream enough that i could dish it up between the three of us.
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