sleepy bug after swim time

the kids found a snail on a table at the pool. we dubbed him gary (of course...from sponge bob), and spent some time harassing him. poor snail. i tried to enforce gentle touches, but considering he was the size of a thumb nail, i am sure those gentle touches felt like an earthquake to the poor snail.
today was a pretty low-key but fun day. we putzed around the house most of the morning, and then got out to get q's hair cut and to do some grocery shopping. i had ordered most of our groceries online and was expecting them to be delivered this afternoon, but the store i ordered from was out of our favorite sandwich bread, so we ran out to get that.
after errands, we decided to delay lunch a little so we could get in a swim beforehand. today was the first sunny day in about 10 days, so we wanted to take advantage of it. the kids had a ball swimming, ate their lunches well, and settled in well for quiet time/nap (both were up earlier than usual this morning).
just as nap was ending, our groceries were delivered. i had a hard time focusing on the delivery guy and on signing the receipt...because i was laughing too hard. i had accidentally ordered THREE mops! i thought i had ordered one...i had had some trouble with the web site during that part of my ordering, and it took three clicks before i got confirmation that i bought a mop. i guess those two unconfirmed clicks went through because i now have three mops. next time i will be sure to check quantities closely ;-p here is another caveat to online grocery shopping...one i did not think about before today.
late this afternoon, we had some fun at the playground. it's seriously been a while since we have seen anyone at the playgrounds. hong kong is very quiet during the summer b/c most expats go on holiday. it was great for the kids to have others to play with, and it was actually hard to get them to come back upstairs. lately, they've been the ones to ask to go home...repeatedly.
Hilarious about the three mops! Nicole