today, we had our last playdate with our chicago friends; they are heading back home tomorrow. we had an awesome day of play and shared meals today, but we andersons are now feeling pretty down in the dumps at the prospect of them going home. we have had soooo much fun exploring hong kong together and just hanging out. we look forward to talking to our friends on skype and to staying in touch via snail mail.
i am planning some special treats for the rest of this week to help get us out of the funk of missing our friends. i hope the tricks i have up my sleeve work! first off, we will head out for a special breakfast tomorrow, and then we will probably head over to kennedy town to check out playtown candyland again.

q helped himself to c's car seat tonight...just plopped himself i it as if it was his very own baby lounge chair. bah! i know that as soon as i try to sit his wiggly little butt in one of these things for real when we come home to visit, that he's going to lose his doo-doo. the irony that he CHOSE to sit in one tonight!

waffle decided to camp out on one of the girls. i love this cat. i love that he has no boundaries or social graces ;-p

q is a messy, messy boy. he's taken the mess-making to a new level these past few days...purposely spilling his drinks onto toys/furniture, spitting out mouthfuls of his drink, and this latest trick of crushing cookies/crackers to a powder that takes me many, many swipes with the vacuum cleaner to get up. i have begun insisting that he help clean up these messes, and he does a great job cleaning up, but i would far prefer he not make the mess to begin with.
waffle "helps" the girls play wii, and then gets a little fetch playdate of his own.
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