Monday, July 25, 2011

HKG146: Reduction Frustrations

i pretty desperately need to get back into some kind of gym routine and reduce the amount of me i'm carrying around :-) my metabolism has adjusted to all the walking and hills and stairs, so the fact that we walk several miles most days is no longer providing me with the eat-anything-i-want free pass.

i had high hopes for the YWCA...the yearly family membership is very reasonable, and there are lots of great classes for kids. i looked at the YWCA's gym today. it's tiny. it also has rather limited hours and you have to pay $5 USD each time you work out (on top of the membership fee). i also looked at a curves location tonight, and it also is very small and has limited hours. i found some information about a pretty interesting outdoor bootcamp class that offers several different times and locations, and i am leaning heavily in this direction. my only issue with this one is that with josh's travel schedule, i would end up paying for classes i could not take.

later this week, i will look at some of the bigger gym franchises around the central area to see if i can come up with some other options to weigh. i have a feeling, though, that until q is in preschool, it's going to be me and the dvd player/computer working out together. i am not a huge fan of this setup and really need a gym time-out just for ME so i can kinda regroup and feel human (versus trying to work out in the apartment with two kids and one cat under foot).

the kids, of course, were forced to be on the gym hunt with me. i tried to make it at least a little fun by stopping off at the zoo playground, which is very near the ywca. we also saw some very interesting/fun markets while looking for the curves location tonight...we will be headed back down there tomorrow to do some more looking around. there are several stalls FULL of dressup clothes...i am sure we will have a ball looking around over there!

here are two silly kids yukking it up after dinner. i love watching these guys play together...they are pretty hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. LOL... Love all of the laughing/giggling. They're so adorable.
