christmas display in our apartment lobby
...and all through the house
all the creatures were stirring, even the mouse
the suitcases are packed, and lined up with care
all of us excited because we'll soon be THERE
the kiddos are tucked all snug in their beds
while visions of texas dance in their heads
we're all set to tidy and ready to pack
we're ready to leave and get right on back
back to our family and friends, to our dogs and our cat
we have missed all of them so, sometimes we're knocked flat
so back to texas we go, and from hong kong we leave
it's been real, y'all, in ways you would never believe :-)
our adventures are through, and so we are too
we've seen and done so many things new
it's time to go back to the things we've long known
biking, skating, and throwing the dog's bone
back to texas and family and friends all around
back to running and rolling around on the ground
back to queso and 'ritas and yummy fajitas galore
back to playdates and cookouts, book clubs and more
we are not sad to leave our tiny abode
we've had great fun and tried the camode
but it's time to go back to our home so dear
where family and friends are so near
See Y'all Soon!
Yeah! You bet!